Thursday, April 9, 2015

  Genius Hour Project Presents: Into the Cellar

         Can I Make a movie?

      Well It's definitely a learning process, but a great one at that. This is a big challenge for someone with little to no experience, though I plan on succeeding. Doesn't everyone? For Genius Hour I wanted to choose something I would enjoy, but that had something to do with acting (which I absolutely love).

     What Is Genius Hour You Say? 

          Genius Hour Is a school project that many schools around the world participate in. This is an opportunity to learn or do whatever you like. This gives the students freedom to engage and learn about anything that they wish, as long as it's school appropriate. From learning to play the piano, to finding out your genetic background! I personally love this project. It's a fun way to learn! Wish we had more of these, right?

          For my Genius Hour project I'm making a scary movie. I'm currently in the process of writing my script. So far so good. This at first was challenging, because I had to figure the plot for my story. I've gone threw so many scripts that I have written or thought of, and picked the one I thought was best. I'm also in the process of picking the actors for my movie. I have been thinking of some movie titles and so far I came up with, "Into the Cellar." I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that there is a cellar scene in this movie and it's a big part in it.


  1. Oooooo, "Into the Cellar?" That sounds great! Have you already started thinking about your casting?

  2. I have actually, but I haven't decided quite yet on who all I'm using. Hopefully, I will have it figured out by the end of this week.

  3. I can't wait to hear what the process is like to make a movie. I wish you the best of luck and I can't wait for your next post.

  4. I would love to see the outcome of this process.
    Good luck with the movie (:
