Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Final Touch...

I present on Wednesday, and I'm nervous; not the fact that I have to stand in front of everyone but that I'm showing my movie. I work so hard on this project from writing it to filming and I still don't
think it's good enough.

I have everything edited, but the videos I can't upload! I'm freaking out because the due date is in 3 days and I don't even have a complete movie. I've tried figuring it out, researching it... everything I can think of.

I had so much fun doing this though. I learned how to make fake blood that is eatable, and flesh looking wounds. I put it on one of my actors and it looks awesome!

                                                             ( Halah G.--- Sarah )

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The stress...

Towards the end of the process it has become very stressful. I'm trying to finish filming everything I can and it's hard to get everyone one on the same schedule. Also, finishing the editing part of it, and with technology that has a mind of its own, it's hard to do.

I'm definitely nervous to present my project to the class. Not to be rude or anything, but I think my teacher and some students have build this up to be something its not. I'm a beginner. I've never done something like this before, so It's not going to be that good. But, it's the effort that counts. I do hope that I will get better at making movies.

Threw it's up and downs its been a memorable experience, and fun one at that. As much as I work on it, I don't think I can make it perfect. But, it will be decent... (I hope. Haha) I have thought of so many things that I can do with my movie, but it all takes time and I don't have that much time left. I do think though, after I present my movie I will still work on it trying to make it better.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Funny Moments...

(I will be posting some funny moments that happen during filming.)

When you draw a blank...

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Can be so stressful! So many things can go wrong with it. I have a windows 8 touch screen tablet that turns into a laptop... and it's driving me crazy! It's really testing my patience. Let me give you an example... I try uploading my scene onto the movie app and it tells me I can't, or I can, but it only lets me once. But threw the bad I've had good times.

When starting this project I wasn't quite sure if I'd like filming. I love to act, but it turns out I like filming also. It's pretty fun. I think I will definitely film some more movies in the future. I have experienced filming the same scene over and over again to get it right. It takes time... definitely to get it some what decent.

During the moving making process, I have learned a lot. I have learned how to edit videos, trim videos, making transitions some what smoothly (haha), and even how to make fake blood (which I will post a video of me making it for one of my scenes soon).

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Process...

      I have started filming! Let me just say it's a long process. You can't really pick up a camera and start shooting, there's definitely more to it. Figuring out where exactly you want your movie is a big part of it. Also, coming up with sound effect, and even with that you need to be precise on the timing. Another being, is making sure transitions our accurate, making sure they flow correctly.
      I'm having to figure this out all on my own. It's definitely a challenge for me, but it's pretty fun. Maybe I will continue with movie making after this project. If so, I know I will definitely learn so much more and even get better at it, like my parents always tell me, "Whatever you put your mind to, you can do."

      Currently, I am working with an free app called, "Movie Edit Touch 2." It can be used for all sorts of stuff, like... power points, photo album displays and making movies. So far it's been a pretty good app. And for a beginner, it's pretty easy to figure out how to use it. For the special effects, I'm Just downloading free ones. There's so many free resources available theses days that are easy to use.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

  Genius Hour Project Presents: Into the Cellar

         Can I Make a movie?

      Well It's definitely a learning process, but a great one at that. This is a big challenge for someone with little to no experience, though I plan on succeeding. Doesn't everyone? For Genius Hour I wanted to choose something I would enjoy, but that had something to do with acting (which I absolutely love).

     What Is Genius Hour You Say? 

          Genius Hour Is a school project that many schools around the world participate in. This is an opportunity to learn or do whatever you like. This gives the students freedom to engage and learn about anything that they wish, as long as it's school appropriate. From learning to play the piano, to finding out your genetic background! I personally love this project. It's a fun way to learn! Wish we had more of these, right?

          For my Genius Hour project I'm making a scary movie. I'm currently in the process of writing my script. So far so good. This at first was challenging, because I had to figure the plot for my story. I've gone threw so many scripts that I have written or thought of, and picked the one I thought was best. I'm also in the process of picking the actors for my movie. I have been thinking of some movie titles and so far I came up with, "Into the Cellar." I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that there is a cellar scene in this movie and it's a big part in it.